Hope Y’all Don’t Mind if I Word-Vomit for a Minute

HI FRIENDS. I guess the last time I updated you on my life was about a week after I graduated college…which is slightly sad, considering it’s now been a month. I guess life’s been keeping me pretty busy! I have been keeping up with all of the blogs I follow though, and it’s been so fun to read about your lives thus far this summer. 😀

I guess the big one is that AMCAS 2015 opened for submission two weeks ago tomorrow, and I’m getting reaaaaallly close to submitting mine! My application is finalized and ready to go except for the personal statement, which I’m editing and editing and editing some more. And here’s where I put my shout-out of HUGE THANKS to fellow bloggers @5yearjourneyZ and @doctorORbust for offering their critiques and suggestions!!! Y’all are the best and have given me lots to consider in making it the best statement it can be 🙂

I’ve been on the fence about how many medical schools to apply to. The national average per applicant is 14ish, which seems like a rather high (and super pricey) amount, but makes more sense when you consider the sheer competitiveness of the entire process. I applied to 16 last year, and didn’t exactly win any of those bets, so I’m not too keen on picking and paying for that many again. However, I also don’t want to under-apply and run the risk of finding myself in the same boat next May simply because I was too cheap during the primary app. Advice welcome here, per the usual.

In the realm of non-AMCAS related life happenings, my best friend’s wedding was two weeks ago, and it was a beautiful, beautiful day all around! She and her new husband are perfect for each other, and sharing in their day with the other bridesmaids and groomsmen was an immense privilege. And, I fit into my bridesmaid’s dress! SUCCESS!

Still looking for a summer bartending job, partially to keep myself busy and partially in the hopes of having a bit of money saved up for school in the fall. I’ve got two interviews this week (!!!) so I’m trying to mentally prepare myself for those. FINGERS CROSSED that someone thinks I’m hirable despite no previous work experience in that position! Updates will come your way if anything happens with that!

I’ve gotten in a couple weekend trips to see the boyfriend (henceforth, for everyone’s benefit, let’s just call him M), which have been much needed and so much fun. He’s interning at an environmental conservancy on an island off of coastal North Carolina, and he only gets one day off per week (STUPID RULE), so the times we can spend together are somewhat limited. This wouldn’t be too bad, except that I will be moving to Chicago as of late August, and the “limited” time we get now is probably going to seem like a luxury by then. Not exactly looking forward to a long-distance relationship, but if there’s anything I’ve learned from the rather non-extensive dating experience I do have, it’s that communication is key. Especially when distance is a factor. I’m trying not to worry or dwell on that too much, but if any of y’all with more experience in this arena have wisdom or advice to impart, your thoughts are more than welcome.

I think that’s about it on the word-vomit for today. BIG THINGS before I sign off:

(1) To everyone studying for the MCAT right now: KEEP YOUR FOCUS AND KEEP STUDYING! You’re fabulous, dedicated, awesome people for taking on such a challenge for yourselves, and you will be great on test day! Remember why you’re putting yourself through this hell, and keep your head up!

(2) To everyone on here preparing to matriculate into med school in the fall: I am so beyond excited for all of you, so I can’t even imagine how exciting it is to be one of you! Just a heads up right now, a part of me will shamelessly be living vicariously through you for the next year, and I can’t wait to read about all of your journeys as medical students! Congrats again!!!

(3) To everyone in my boat who’s applying for med school this cycle: WE’VE GOT THIS!

1 thought on “Hope Y’all Don’t Mind if I Word-Vomit for a Minute

  1. Hey girl! Will send you an email about schools later today. 🙂 Hope the PS stuff is going well and hoping you’ll get that summer bartending job!

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